The U.S. Grand Lodge Thelema NOW! podcast features interviews with artists, writers, magicians, and others whose unique perspectives contribute to the modern flowering of Thelemic culture. New episodes are published roughly once a month. You can listen on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or your favorite podcast player.
Thelema Now's Harper Feist talks with Barry William
Hale about his latest work, Arcana Arcanorum by Robert C.
Stein. The book is a comprehensive exploration of Aleister
Crowley's holy book, Liber Arcanorum. In Arcana Arcanorum, Robert
C. Stein presents an initiate's perspective into the system as a
whole. He further explores in depth the significance of each
individual sigil and its corresponding name. Complementing this
analysis, Barry William Hale offers a series of 22 mesmerizing
drawings, each piece ingeniously merging the upright and averse
spirit of each tarot card into a single, unified form. Together,
the engrossing artwork and penetrating analysis uniquely honors and
unveils the mysteries of the holy book.
Barry William Hale's 231 artwork from this book,
along with a number of other pieces, will be featured in an
upcoming VR title "Arcanorum 231" available to wishlist on steam
About the Podcast
Thelema NOW! Crowley, Ritual & Magick is a monthly podcast, produced with the support of Ordo Templi Orientis USA Grand Lodge.